Hello! Glad you popped in!

 Come join us, have fun, make new friends while you serve/volunteer right here in Fort Collins!

’24-’25:  Our 105th Year Of Service To Our Communities!

Can’t make it to Club meetings, no problem!
Give us a call, we’ll work it out!  970-833-1267
Help us volunteer!   Give us a try!

We (are) Serv(ing)” the Fort Collins & Surrounding Communities
It’s What We Do!     “A fun, family Club that volunteers”

Colorado Lions Foundation  Educational Scholarship
Are you a HS Junior looking for a $2,500 college scholarship next year?   Check out the info at…….colionsfoundation.org    You will need a Lions Club to sponsor you, so call us. (970)833-1267.
We’d love to chat with you about it!

BINGO Sessions    Thurs. & Fri.(7pm) & Fri.(11:30am)

Thanks for coming to our Bingo!!  Your attendance is responsible for us being able to continue to serve our communities!    WE LOVE OUR BINGO PLAYERS! 

Check out our link: https://fortcollinslions.org/downloads/ 

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time,they do have the hearts to volunteer while having fun & making new friends!!   Our “WE SERVE” schedule to serve our community:  

 3rd Thursdays, 1:45pm Vision Assistance 4 Adults(paper work & arranging appointments), Call (970)377-2282         Weekly=Assists with Salvation Army Breakfast Serving
Ongoing=”Kid Sight” children vision screening & “Eye Glass Recycling” &  “Bingo”  & “Sew Powerful Purse Program” & “Quilt Making for Childhood Cancer” & ‘Pop Top & Aluminum Can & Pull Tab Collecting’ & “Slammin Famine”, Feb.13-15……….Want to help?  Contact Us…(970)833-1267           

     Become a Fort Collins Lion today! click here
Help us help the community!  SEE how we serve…
Fort Collins Lions Club Facebook

The Lions, an international, not-for-profit organization, disperse all the monies they receive from public fundraising, back to the people/communities.

The Fort Collins Lions Club is celebrating our 105th year of serving the community in 2024!  Lions are changing the world one community at a time, by addressing needs at home and around the globe. We are 1.4 million men and women who believe that kindness matters. And when we work together, we can achieve bigger goals. Want to have fun while “serving & helping” your community?  Come visit us at our bi-monthly luncheon meetings, or at Bingo, then join us!  Call us! (970)833-1267…Membership dues are approximately $10 per month!
You supply the place and guests, we supply everything else.
             And YOUR group/organization gets any donations!

Our schedule for our Summer Pancake Breakfasts 2024 has ended.  But we are starting to plan for Summer 2025…if your non-profit group/organization would like us to “sponsor(set-up, take down, serve & provide all the necessary ingredients for pancakes, sausages, juice and coffee, give us a call!!!  We are very  happy to have been able to provided various community groups with one of our Pancake Breakfasts!  WHY???  It’s what we do…”WE SERVE’ our communities!  

                                                 Fort Collins Lions International…’WE SERVE’                                                                         I ain’t ‘lyin’, it’s great to be a Fort Collins Lion!

  • Club Luncheons:  Luncheon meetings, twice a month.  Call us!!   (970)833-1267
  • Adult Vision (paperwork & appointments/information).  Call(970)377-2282.
  • KidSight celebrated our 20th year(2021) of providing our “kids” with FREE vision screening.  If you are a school or group, outside of PSD, please contact us for information.  Call (970)833-1267.
  • We collect used prescription glasses throughout the area.  Please donate all your used prescription glasses here.   Colorado Lions have collected over 1,000,000 pairs of glasses!  Our glasses are going to other countries where eyesight care is lacking.   Call (970)833-1267.
  • BINGO SESSIONS…EVERY Thur. 7pm & FRI. 11:30am & 7pm, Bingo Planet, Loveland ******************************************************

“Friends of Fort Collins Lions


We appreciate working with these groups/organizations & businesses!  Thanks for your support!

Ensight Skills Center...ensightskills.org…Colorado’s low vision specialists serving & helping people with vision impairments.  Over 20+ years of service for the low & no vision population!  970-407-9999

    Dellenbach Motors, Fort Collins…dellenbach.com…thanks for your donation of additional boxes needed in our glasses recycling service project!  970-226-2438

Want a “great music duo” that plays recognizable links to yesterday’s fond memories…AT YOUR EVENT? clarkewright.com/stardust-melodies      970-215-3974                 Thanks Clarke & Beth!


Colorado Lions Camp…clcoffice@coloradolionscamp.org…Our mission is to provide camping programs to individuals with disabilities in a safe, positive environment, ranging in ages from 8 to Senior Adults.   The 2025 Summer Application is live.  Summer Programs, June-August…..Respite Programs, October-April            www.coloradolionscamp.org          (719)687-2087

Ever consider being a “doggie foster parent” for Service or Leader Dogs?  They are soooooo cute!  “Raise a puppy, change a life”!……….FC Lions continue to work to help the refugee children of Ukraine by partnering with a Lions Club in  Poland.


Thanks for visiting our website!  Please contact us if you have any questions or are interested in joining the world’s largest volunteer, non-profit organization.
(970)833-1267  Lions, the more the merrier!

         I  ain’t  lying,  it’s GREAT  to  be  a  Fort Collins  Lion!”