Eye Research

Lions throughout Colorado join in the support of several programs, which could not be accomplished by local groups alone. Consider:

  • Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute
  • Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank

Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute

The Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute, located at the new Fitzsimmons Campus of the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Medical School, was completed with nearly 6 million dollars raised by the Lions of Colorado and Wyoming. This state-of-the-art facility is dedicated to research, teaching and patient care.

Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank

Colorado and Wyoming Lions can also be proud of the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Bank, which they started in 1982. It is now located in the Rocky Mountain Lions Eye Institute facility on the Fitzsimmons Campus in Aurora. Yearly, the Eye Bank staff processes more than 4,000 donated eyes, and from these furnishes more than 2000 corneas and other eye tissue to eye surgeons for corneal transplantation in patients who suffer blindness because of corneal injury or disease.