
Colorado Lions Foundation
Educational Scholarship Endowment Fund

The purpose of the Colorado Lions Foundation’s Educational Scholarship Endowment Fund is to provide undergraduate educational scholarship funds to legal citizens within the State of Colorado and MD-6 who may or may not be associated with a Lion, Lioness or Leo. A Lion, Lioness or Lions Club is required to sponsor any applicant for this Scholarship.

Scholarship Eligibility   To be considered for an Educational Scholarship, an individual must be a Colorado High School graduating senior and accepted for enrollment at an accredited Institution of Higher Learning.

Download application at Colorado Lions Foundation, if you live in Fort Collins, contact the Fort Collins Lions Club to request our Club to sponsor you.

Speech Contest Winners
Speech Contest Winners

Peace Poster Contest

Each year our club sponsors the Peace Poster contest of Lions International in area schools. Students 11-13 years of age create a poster on the theme of the year, and the artwork is judged locally, regionally, at the state level, and then with those submitted by students from all around the world.

Speech Contest

Colorado Lions sponsor a statewide Speech Contest for students in grades 9-12 and we encourage local students to participate. We have had students win the Local and Zone contests and finish as high as 4th at the State Contest. Speech Contest Information

We also support Liberty Day Colorado and fund distribution of copies of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution to all area schools.

International Youth Exchange

Lions provide opportunities for students to participate in the International Youth Exchange, where students from the United States spend time with a family in another country, and local families are encouraged to welcome an exchange student into their home.

The Fort Collins Lions Club has supported many programs in our community for youth at risk, including the Boy’s and Girl’s Club and the Teresa Funke Author Visit program to bring writing and history education into the classrooms.